
Sport for Integration
& Inclusion

In our integrative work in sports, we experience how sport easily overcomes the limits of ability, culture, age, religion and social status.  Sport gives unique possibilities to interact, to build relationships, and to form personality. Integrative sports can be applied in any context:  all-ability sports, sport with migrants and refugees, or in marginalized areas.

We offer training with theoretical and practical content for running an integrative sports project available to interested churches and sports clubs. In order to support new locations for integrative sports practically and effectively, we develop toolkits to prepare and lead sport and teaching units. We also support and train project leaders and volunteers at newly built projects according to their needs.

During the next three years, we want to help build up 15 new locations in integrative sports. We want to host community cups to build networks for projects and to give a place for refugees and locals to meet.

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