
Coaches' Resources

Coaches' forum
The coaches forum offers a value oriented program for profound and practical training in partnership with SRSacademy.

Coaches' network
The coaches forum offers a platform where coaches and P.E. teachers can connect, encourage, and share experiences in coaching. Within the network regional and national network meetings are held.

Mentoring and training
We want to encourage coaches to transmit values in coaching children in a playful way and to be an example. This needs courageous steps and a big amount of patience. That's why we offer mentoring and training for coaches.

A young professional coach tells how being mentored greatly improved his coaching both on and off the court:
“My heart and desire is to influence and work with some of the best players in the game by developing them holistically. The coaches' forum gave me the advice, resources and most importantly, the people to guide me in everyday challenges inside and outside the locker room.”
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